x ˒ṭḥẹ ̣ḤỌṚẠẸ˓ goddesses of the seasons and the natural portions of time.
daughters of Khronos (Time), tripling round the fiery throne of the untiring Charioteer in a ring, servants of Helios that attend on his shining car, priestesses of the lichtgang each in her turn.

Album: Tulsa Jesus Freak
Data: 30 March 2021

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˒ḤỊP̣P̣ỌḶỴṬẠ˓ queen of the tribe of the Amazons.
x ˒ỊC̣ẠṚỤṢ˓ son of the master craftsman Daedalus, the creator of the Labyrinth.
x ˒ṭḥẹ ̣ḤỌṚẠẸ˓ goddesses of the seasons and the natural portions of time.
ᴰ˒A̞R̞E̞S̞˓  god of war, battlelust, courage and civil order.
ᴾ˒H̞E̞S̞T̞I̞A̞˓ the virgin goddess of the hearth (both private and municipal) and the home.

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