༌Ⴟ༌ ˒ẠṚṬẸṂỊṢ˓ goddess of hunting, the wilderness, wild animals and childbirth;
fierce huntress, glorying in the sylvan war: swift, in in dreadful arrows skilled, wandering by night, rejoicing in the field: of manly form, erect, of bounteous mind, nurse of humankind.

Album: Tulsa Jesus Freak
Data: 2 June 2020

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⒟˒ṆỴX̣˓ goddess of the night, one of the primordial gods who emerged as the dawn of creation.
⒜˒ḤẠḌẸṢ˓ King of the underworld and god of the dead and of the hidden wealth of the earth.
༌Ⴟ༌ ˒ẠṚṬẸṂỊṢ˓ goddess of hunting, the wilderness, wild animals and childbirth;
༌Ⴟ༌ ˒ẒẸỤṢ˓ King of the Gods and the god of the sky, weather, law and order, destiny and fate.

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